What is the DEPOT training trailer?
Our team of cooling tower experts wanted to share standardized cooling tower information and technologies. Thus, the idea for the DEPOT training trailer was born. Our trailer was built and designed to be easily accessible and an interactive and hands on educational environment that we can bring to our customers.
What topics will be discussed?
Key items that CTD discusses are: general cooling tower technology standards, mechanical components, preventative maintenance, custom solutions, safety, and efficiency. Our presentations can also be tailored to discuss specific needs in further detail.
Does it cost anything?
Absolutely not. We built our trailer to be a free, interactive, hands on educational experience that is easily accessible to your plant.
What advance notice does CTD need to reserve the trailer?
It depends on our schedule at the time. Mid-summer months tend to be the busiest training months. However if you want to reserve our trailer on short notice, we will accommodate our soonest available date for you. Please call Brandon Rees or Ethan Chesnut for available dates and times at 281-542-1234.
Where in the US does training in the DEPOT trailer take place?
The DEPOT training trailer’s home is in Houston, TX. This is the location of our Texas office headquarters. Currently, the trailer has the ability to travel anywhere in Texas and into Louisiana. Not located in Texas or Louisiana? If you still wish to reserve our training trailer, please contact us and let us know! With enough inquiry from our customers, our trailer may be able to take occasional long distance road trips.
If I am not located in Texas or Louisiana, can I still receive DEPOT training?
Yes! We may not be able to bring our trailer out to you, but we can bring our people! DEPOT still conducts what we call a Lunch and Learn. A Lunch and Learn consists of all the same great information from our leading experts, minus the interactive environment of the training trailer. Contact our corporate office to schedule a Lunch and Learn training.
Can the training trailer be customized to my specific needs?
Of course! Let us know what your needs are and we will develop a training around that specific topic.
If an employee or co-worker is unable to make the training, will DEPOT leave behind training information?
Yes. If unfortunately someone cannot make it, we will send an overview of the training. This way all employees will receive the same information.
How many people fit into the trailer?
A total of eight people can comfortably fit inside the training trailer. If you have more than eight people who will be attending, we will break the training up into morning and afternoon sessions so everyone is able to receive the training that same day.
How long does the training last?
Our training sessions usually run about an hour.
Texas gets HOT in the summer, does the trailer have air conditioning?
Yes! The DEPOT trailer is designed for a comfortable, educational experience and is equipped with air conditioning.
Why would I want to reserve the DEPOT training trailer?
The DEPOT training trailer is helpful in many ways:
- The ability to train new employees.
- The ability to standardize training across your team.
- Provide FREE continuing education within the cooling tower industry.
- Provide quality information for employees. This information will allow them to further understand which proper tools to utilize for providing better cooling tower efficiencies to their plant.
- Educate employees to equip them with the opportunity for career growth.
- Employees will learn how to combine their experience with the knowledge from our training, to directly affect their bottom line.
- Receive interactive, personalized, hands-on learning
- Receive the best industry tips and advice from DEPOT leading experts.
Have More Questions?
Contact Ethan Chesnut or Brandon Rees at 281-542-1234, send us a message or download our DEPOT training trailer flyer, below:

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